1. 更新svn
svn up, 运行该命令后的状态有:
A Added
D Deleted
U Updated
C Conflict
G Merged
手动解决掉冲突后,需要运行svn resolved命令,将冲突的
2. 第一次从svn server上下载source
svn checkout svn://ipaddress/your_repo
svn co svn://ipaddress/your_repo
svn checkout http(s)://ipaddress/your_repo
svn co http(s)://ipaddress/your_repo
3. 给svn追加新的文件
svn add yourfile
svn commit
4. 从svn删除文件
svn delete yourfile
svn commit
5. 本地文件的状态
svn status, 运行该命令后的状态有:
‘ ‘ No modifications.
‘A’ Item is scheduled for Addition.
‘D’ Item is scheduled for Deletion.
‘M’ Item has been modified.
‘R’ Item has been replaced in your working copy. This means the file was
scheduled for deletion, and then a new file with the same name was scheduled
for addition in its place.
‘C’ The contents (as opposed to the properties) of the item conflict with
updates received from the repository.
‘X’ Item is related to an externals definition.
‘I’ Item is being ignored (e.g. with the svn:ignore property).
‘?’ Item is not under version control.
‘!’ Item is missing (e.g. you moved or deleted it without using svn). This
also indicates that a directory is incomplete (a checkout or update was
‘~’ Item is versioned as one kind of object (file, directory, link), but has
been replaced by different kind of object.